Rental conditions

Conditions of Rental

General conditions and tables of additional and damage costs


The rental of the cars by Valmeg to the Customer is governed by these General Rental Conditions, the Rental Letter, the Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties and the Privacy Policy in force at the time of signing the Rental Letter. By signing the Rental Letter, the Customer declares to have read, understood and accepted the General Rental Conditions and to specifically approve the articles: 1. Delivery of the vehicle and start of the rental, 2. Assistance to the vehicle and vehicle replacement, 4. Obligations of the Customer, 5. Use of the vehicle, 6. Fire, Theft, Damage to the vehicle, 7. In the event of an accident, 8. Return of the vehicle and term of the rental, 9. Rental fees , 10. Payment by credit card, 11. Responsibilities of the Customer and the Lessor, 12. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction, 13. Changes to the General Conditions, 14. Domicile of the Customer and communications to the customer. 

  1. Delivery of the vehicle and start of rental 

The rental begins when the Valmeg affiliate (hereinafter referred to as the "Landlord") delivers the vehicle to the Customer. The vehicle is delivered in a good state of maintenance and is equipped with the parking triangle, the spare wheel or the repair kit and all the documents necessary for circulation, including a copy of the green insurance card, the certificate and the insurance sticker. Upon delivery of the vehicle, the customer undertakes to check its condition and equipment together with the personnel assigned by the Lessor and, in particular, to verify that the vehicle is in perfect working order, with the equipment indicated in the Rental Contract and free from any further goods or goods and undertakes to return it in the same condition, except for wear and tear proportionate to the duration of the rental and the mileage travelled. 

It is the Customer's responsibility to inform the Lessor's staff of any discrepancies with respect to what is indicated in the Rental Letter and to ascertain it in consultation with the staff before collecting the car. Failing this, the Customer authorizes the Lessor to charge for all discrepancies found upon return of the vehicle by the personnel in charge with respect to the delivery state of the vehicle. It is within the Lessor's full discretion to refuse to conclude the rental contract with the Customer, in particular in cases of theft, damage or accidents involving liability which occurred in previous rentals. 

  1. Vehicle assistance and replacement vehicle 

In the event of an accident, breakdown and/or need to have the vehicle towed, the Customer is required to contact the toll-free number agreed with the Lessor, reported on the Rental Letter kept in the dashboard of the vehicle and received via email, the sole entity of which authorized to carry out interventions and/or repairs on the vehicle. Interventions and/or repairs carried out on the vehicle by the Customer without authorization from the Lessor and/or at centers not affiliated with the Lessor will not be reimbursed by the latter in any way and for any reason. In the event of a request by the Customer for a replacement vehicle, the Lessor reserves the right to decide at its discretion, also based on the availability of vehicles in the place and at the time of the request by the customer, whether or not to provide the replacement vehicle. 

  1. Insurance 

The Lessor guarantees that a specific RCA insurance policy has been stipulated against the civil liability of the Customer and of any other person authorized to drive the vehicle with the minimum limits and ceilings imposed by the law and regulations in force. In any case, the policy does not cover damages suffered by the driver nor his civil liability for damage to things and animals transported, just as it does not cover damages resulting from failure to comply with road signs of obstruction and/or danger or in any case resulting from failure to comply with laws or regulations. The policy covers the driver's civil liability for damages suffered by third parties transported, provided that they are not members of the Customer's family or the driver. 

In the event of an accident caused by the Customer through his own fault and involving third parties, regardless of the damage reported to the rented vehicle (which, if present, will be charged as per the Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties, Valmeg will charge the Customer, in addition to the administrative costs of managing the case of accident, the additional sum that was in turn charged to you by the car manufacturer as a non-eliminable deductible. 

  1. Customer Obligations 

The Customer is the custodian of the vehicle and acknowledges that he does not hold any real rights over it and therefore cannot dispose of it and undertakes: 

  1. a) to drive and look after the vehicle together with its accessories diligently, with the utmost caution and in compliance with all laws, regulations and any warnings and precautions suggested by the Lessor; 
  2. b) to carry out routine maintenance, greasing, checking lubricant and brake fluid levels; 
  3. c) to proceed with the payment of any fine and/or fine paid to him during the rental and to reimburse the Lessor for any expenses, including legal ones, incurred due to and/or as a consequence of the rental; 
  4. d) the payment of amounts due for parking or motorway tolls relating to the rental period; 
  5. e) to indemnify the Lessor from any claims made by third parties for damage suffered by them from/to the goods transported or which are in any case found on the vehicle; f) to comply with the law on goods transport by assuming all responsibility in relation to the necessary accompanying bills. 

During the winter period, as a result of specific provisions of the Authorities, in some areas of Italy there is an obligation to use winter tires or to carry snow chains on board the vehicle; Valmeg makes snow chains available in the stations affected by the phenomenon and prepares, where available, the necessary information. The Customer undertakes in any case to verify the existence of such a situation with respect to his travel route and to observe the relevant provisions, requesting Valmeg to rent the chains (if the rented car does not already have thermal tyres) or deciding, at its full discretion, to equip itself independently. 

  1. Use of the motor vehicle 

The Customer undertakes not to drive or use the vehicle and not to tolerate them driving or using it: 

  1. a) in a State for which the green insurance card is not valid; 
  2. b) by rental; 
  3. c) to push or tow objects; 
  4. d) under the influence of drugs, narcotics, alcohol or intoxicants; 
  5. e) in races, competitions or speed trials; 
  6. f) for a purpose contrary to the law, regulations and orders of the Authorities; 
  7. g) unauthorized persons or persons not indicated in the individual rental contract or any person other than the Customer, including his parents, children, spouse, brother, employer, colleague employed in the same company, partner or the manager (if the Client is a company); 
  8. h) person who has provided the Lessor with false information regarding his/her personal details; 
  9. i) people under the age of 25, except for exceptions expressly authorized by the lessor. 
  10. Fire, theft, damage to the car 

The Customer is required to compensate the Lessor for any damage for any reason occurring to the car during the rental, as well as in the event of theft or fire. The Customer is responsible for the cost of repairs, for lost rental revenue quantified on the basis of the applicable price list, for towing and storage costs and for administrative costs incurred for the management of any event or claim arising from the rental, within the limits of Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties — to evaluate the vehicle, consult the Quattroruote Auto or Quattroruote Veicoli Commerciali website as an example — the values of which include the cost of materials, labor and technical downtime. In the event of damage, the Customer is always free to compensate the damage as per the Table, or to decide to have the car repaired at his own expense and under his own responsibility, communicating this to the Lessor within 5 days of communication of the charge or verification of the damage in question. contradictory with the agency staff. In this case the Customer will have to pay the rental cost until the properly repaired car is returned to the Lessor and the Lessor reserves the right to accept the repair after testing the car in consultation with the Customer. The Customer will also be required to compensate the Lessor for damages suffered by the vehicle following failure to comply with road signs of obstruction and/or danger, damages not covered by the mandatory RCA policy, as specified in point 3, as well as the costs of restoration and/or o cleaning of the vehicle interior if it is returned at the end of the rental with indelible stains and/or burns. 

Without any reversal of the burden of proof, the Customer is always entitled to demonstrate that the failure to fulfill his obligations and/or the damage to the vehicle was due to causes not attributable to him. 

  1. In case of accident 

The Customer must promptly and in any case as soon as possible: 

  1. a) inform the Lessor by telephone, sending him within the next 24 hours a detailed report completed on the form included with the vehicle documents; b) inform the nearest police authority; 
  2. c) take note of the names and addresses of the parties and witnesses; 
  3. d) provide the Lessor with any useful information; 
  4. e) follow the instructions that the Lessor will provide regarding the storage and/or repairs of the vehicle, also adhering to the provisions of point 2; 
  5. f) in the event of an accident with a counterparty, the Customer undertakes to sign the CID form, which must be delivered by the Customer to the Lessor without fail within 24 hours or within the rental deadline if it coincides. 

In the event that the Customer has not caused or suffered any accident, he must always communicate this upon delivery of the vehicle to the Lessor, in order to allow him to protect his rights against fraud or unfounded requests. If the Customer fails to declare an accident, despite having incurred one, he accepts the charge of the relevant penalty as per the Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties, also due to the significant organizational inconveniences and the increased insurance costs incurred by the Lessor following the omission. Customer information. 

  1. Return of the vehicle and end of the rental 

The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle to the Lessor's headquarters by the agreed date, or before that date in the event of an express request from the Lessor to this effect. The Customer may extend the return deadline by requesting it at least 24 hours before the scheduled deadline and only with the Lessor's prior consent. In the event that the vehicle is not returned within the established deadlines, the Customer will be required to pay the Lessor the extra fee quoted in the rental letter for each day of delay, as well as all other fees provided for in these General Conditions, from the Table Damages and Compensatory Penalties, until the Lessor regains possession of the vehicle. The Customer will be required to reimburse the Lessor for all expenses incurred for the recovery of the vehicle until its material has been taken over. The rental ends when the Lessor takes delivery of the vehicle and checks the conditions in which it is found at the time of return in consultation with the Customer. The car must be returned at the time indicated in the rental letter and in any case during the agency's opening hours. Only with the Lessor's prior authorization, the Customer will be able to return the car during the closing hours of the return agency to the collection points previously communicated by the Lessor and returning the keys in a special box.

  1. Return of the vehicle and end of the rental 

The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle to the Lessor's headquarters by the agreed date, or before that date in the event of an express request from the Lessor to this effect. The Customer may extend the return deadline by requesting it at least 24 hours before the scheduled deadline and only with the Lessor's prior consent. In the event that the vehicle is not returned within the established deadlines, the Customer will be required to pay the Lessor the extra fee quoted in the rental letter for each day of delay, as well as all other fees provided for in these General Conditions, from the Table Damages and Compensatory Penalties, until the Lessor regains possession of the vehicle. The Customer will be required to reimburse the Lessor for all expenses incurred for the recovery of the vehicle until its material has been taken over. The rental ends when the Lessor takes delivery of the vehicle and checks the conditions in which it is found at the time of return in consultation with the Customer. The car must be returned at the time indicated in the rental letter and in any case during the agency's opening hours. Only with the Lessor's prior authorization, the Customer will be able to return the car during the closing hours of the return agency to the collection points previously communicated by the Lessor and returning the keys in a special box. 

In the event of authorized delivery of the car during closing time, for the purposes of attributing liability deriving from possession of the vehicle, the rental is considered to have ended when the agency reopens and only if the car has actually been taken over. loaded by the assigned staff. The Customer therefore remains responsible for all damages (for example damage to the car, fines, theft, fires, etc.) suffered/caused to the car until the moment of actual collection by the agency, which will take place at the moment of opening to the public. Upon reopening of the agency, the Lessor's staff will check the conditions in which the car was returned and, in the event that any discrepancies are detected compared to the conditions verified at the beginning of the rental (damage, stains, etc.), the Lessor, within 24 hours after the reopening of the agency, communicates to the customer at the email address indicated at the time of rental the damage detection, supported by photographic documentation and the charge estimate according to the Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties. 

In any case of damage, the Customer is also informed that the charge in the event of a dispute will be made 5 days after the communication and that within the same period, if he does not consider the charge due, he can contest it or communicate his intention to repair the car at your own expense, in this case the art. 6 above. 

  1. Rental fees 

The Customer undertakes to pay the Lessor, according to the provisions of the 

Table of Damages and Compensatory Penalties: 

  1. a) the kilometer and time rate; 
  2. b) the fee due if the vehicle is returned to a place other than the one agreed upon; 
  3. c) VAT; 
  4. d) the amount of fines and/or fines incurred during the rental period if incurred by the lessor; 
  5. e) motorway tolls and parking fees relating to the use of the vehicle by the Customer where incurred by the lessor; 
  6. f) the costs of managing the case for the payment of fines and/or motorway tolls and/or parking fees or for the management of the accident case, to the extent indicated by the relevant item in the Table; 
  7. g) reimbursement of compensation penalties; 
  8. h) all expenses and charges incurred by the Lessor to obtain payment from the Customer of all amounts due by him; 
  9. i) the sum necessary to bring the petrol tank back to the same level as at the time of delivery as specified below; 
  10. l) the costs of restoring and/or cleaning the vehicle interior if it is returned at the end of the rental with indelible stains and/or burns; 
  11. m) the costs of restoring the damaged vehicle; 
  12. n) costs of disposing of objects abandoned by the Customer on the vehicle; 
  13. o) reimbursement of the costs incurred for the recovery of the vehicle not returned to the agreed place for any reason and of the amount paid to the damaged party in the event of an accident caused through fault by the Customer; 
  14. p) the amount corresponding to any other service that the Customer has used or purchased at the time of rental. 
  15. q) any item expressly indicated in the rental contract 
  16. r) the cost of administrative services 

The mileage rate is determined by reading the odometer. The Customer is required to periodically check that the odometer is working and undertakes to immediately inform the Lessor of any operating defects, following, in this case, the instructions given to him by the Lessor himself. If, upon return, the odometer appears to have been tampered with or broken, the unlimited mileage rate will be applied. Whenever the tariff must be commensurate with the number of days, the term "day" defines a period of 24 hours starting from the moment in which the vehicle was delivered to the Customer, unless the tariff provides otherwise. 

With specific reference to the Fuel item, the Rental Letter contains the specific indication of the quantity of fuel present at the time of rental and the quantity that the tank must consequently contain upon return (equal to that present at the time of rental, normally full) . The Customer is therefore free to decide whether to personally refuel before returning (so that the tank reaches the indicated quantity of fuel) or whether to pay the cost of refueling directly to the return agency according to the established and defined prices per litre. from Valmeg already including the refueling service. 

No administrative costs for handling the case nor any penalty will be charged to the customer in addition to the estimated fuel cost. However, any excess fuel compared to the time of delivery will not be refunded to the Customer. 

  1. Payment by credit card 

At the time of rental, the Customer must provide a valid credit card on which to charge all fees deriving from the rental, unless expressly authorized by the Lessor to rent even without the credit card. The Lessor may in any case at its full discretion refuse to rent the vehicle to the Customer. The Customer, by providing the credit card details, authorizes the Lessor to charge you the fees all due following and as a consequence of the rental and accepts the debit on the credit card also of what will be due after the closing of the contract also for compensation penalties , fines, motorway tolls, parking, administrative costs, costs for restoring the vehicle following damage not covered by the insurance policy, costs for restoring and/or cleaning the interior of the vehicle if returned at the end of the rental with indelible stains and /or burns, disposal costs of objects abandoned on the vehicle by the Customer and all other rental fees indicated in point 9. For rentals exceeding 30 days the payment of the rental fee will be anticipated and the charge will be made every 30 days until the end of the rental. In the event of renewal of monthly and multi-monthly rentals guaranteed by credit card, payment of the rental must be completed within 5 days of renewal, otherwise the Customer will be required to immediately return the vehicle and the Lessor will be able to regain physical possession of the vehicle ; the Customer will be required to reimburse the Lessor for expenses incurred for this purpose, without prejudice to the fees due for the rental based on the Price List and the amount due based on the Damages and Compensation Penalties Table. 

  1. Responsibilities of the Customer and the Lessor 

The Customer who signs the Rental Letter is responsible for the obligations set out therein, as well as for the actions and/or omissions of anyone driving the vehicle. The Customer is also responsible for all damage caused to the vehicle during the rental, for all the disbursements that the Lessor will have to suffer as a result of the rental (for example fines, fines incurred during the rental, damage caused to third parties during the rental, etc. ), for the case of delayed delivery or non-delivery of the vehicle, according to the specific provisions set out in the Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties. The Customer may choose to partially limit their liability in relation to the rental of vans or to totally limit it in relation to the rental of cars for some of the events indicated above, by purchasing an additional option of conventional limitation of their liability, which in any case has no nature insurance, according to the terms and conditions provided and Table of Damages and Compensation Penalties. In any case, even if the limitation of liability option is purchased, it does not apply in the event of gross negligence on the part of the Customer and in the event of failure by the Customer to comply with these General Rental Conditions and legal and regulatory obligations. Any limitation or exclusion of liability is not effective and in any case lapses for damage caused voluntarily or through negligence, in violation of the laws relating to road traffic or in violation of the provisions of these General Conditions. The limitation or exclusion of liability is not effective for the so-called "excluded" damages in accordance with the provisions of the Table of Damages and Compensatory Penalties, for example, by way of example, for damage or theft of tires and/or rims, for damage to the roof and curtains of the vans, for damage caused to the clutch kit. 

The Lessor is not responsible towards the Customer or any other person for damages of any nature, including economic damage, suffered by them to persons or property due to breakdowns or defects in the functioning of the vehicle, breakdowns of the vehicle, failed or delayed delivery, delivery of a vehicle of a category other than the one booked, theft, road accidents, riots, fires, earthquakes, wars or causes of force majeure, meaning, in accordance with the law, an irresistible and unpredictable, extraordinary and independent of the will of the parties and which prevents the parties from fulfilling their obligations. 

The Lessor assumes no responsibility for the safekeeping of any objects found in the vehicle after rental and in any case all costs of 

  1. Applicable law and competent court 

The law applicable to the rental contract governed by these General Conditions is Italian law. 

For any dispute, arising from and/or connected with the rental of the vehicle, for any action necessary for the compulsory recovery of the credit accrued by the Lessor, the Court of the registered office of the Lessor will be exclusively competent, with the exception of the hypotheses contemplated in the art. 33, paragraph 2, letter u, of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 206/2005) in which the Court of the Consumer's registered office or residence has exclusive jurisdiction. 

  1. Changes to the General Conditions 

No modification may be made to these General Conditions without the written consent of a representative of the Lessor with a specific written power of attorney. 

  1. Customer's domicile and communications to the Customer

The Customer declares to elect his domicile at the address communicated to the Lessor, as resulting from the Rental Letter. Unless otherwise expressly indicated by the Customer to this effect, contractual communications will take place at the email address indicated by the Customer.

Practice management costs in case of contravention

In case of notification of a high fine (or motorway toll) during the
rental, Valmeg will charge the Customer/Renter holder of the Rental Letter
the amount of €50 VAT included relating to the cost of managing the case
administrative, as indicated in article 9, point f of the General Rental Conditions.
The fine is notified to Valmeg, as the owner of the vehicle, who is required to
communicate to the competent authorities the details of the Customer/Tenant who owns the
Rental Letter, responsible for the infringement. In fact, the Customer/Renter is responsible
for fines or other charges resulting from violations of the Highway Code, or
for failure to pay tolls and/or parking, which occurred during the rental period,
as indicated in article 9 of the General Rental Conditions. The art. 201 of the new
highway code - which regulates the notification of administrative sanctions - grants
also to the Authority, from the moment of communication by Valmeg
of the actual violator, 90 days for re-notification of the fine (360 days for residents
abroad) . In relation to non-payment of tolls and/or parking, for notification,
the terms established by current legislation apply. It is important to remember that the
Customer/Renter holder of the Rental Letter only when in possession of the
report/toll/parking registered in your name, you will be able to verify all the details and therefore
proceed with the payment in the manner and within the times indicated in the report itself or, if necessary
recognizes the extremes, appeal to the competent Authority, within the terms and conditions
provided for by law.

Table of costs for damage
