Carnival in Tuscia, events not to be missed

Carnevale Tuscia

Carnival in Tuscia, events not to be missed

The Carnival in Tuscia it is a very heartfelt celebration: all the villages are filled with masks, colours, floats and music to celebrate it. In 2023 the carnival officially starts on February 5th and ends on February 21st.
The streets and squares of the towns of Tuscia are filled in abundance days of allegorical floats who parade through the streets: every year the challenge of the most beautiful masquerade opens.

There Carnival tradition in Tuscia has very ancient origins, so much so that the festivity dates back to the Etruscan era: in the painted tombs of the necropolis of Tarquinia, in fact, the presence of a particular figure is recorded, such Phersu, an individual dancing with a long beard mask, represented while engaged in combat or recreational activities. There are many who see in the figure of this man theforerunner of Arlecchino and Pulcinella.
With the spread of Christianity, the carnival lost many of its playful characteristics that characterized it in Roman times: the same The expression “carnival” means eliminating meat, and refers to banquet held before the period of abstinence and fasting of Lent.
The carnival celebrated in Tuscia, however, with its floats, typical allegorical masks and traditional dishes, is to be considered a derivation of Roman Carnival from the Renaissance and Baroque era, with a licentious and playful character.
The carnival in Tuscia is particularly heartfelt in the countries of Acquapendente, Bassano Romano, Civita Castellana, Ronciglione, Sutri And Vitorchiano, while a Viterbo city, except for some children's parties, the Carnival tradition has never spread.
The carnival tradition, however, does not only include parades of allegorical floats, masks, dances and entertainment, but also sweets and dishes from Tuscia.

Carnival traditions in the towns of Tuscia

Acquapendente Carnival

The Acquapendente Carnival joins the Fregnaccia festival to give citizens and visitors days of fun and traditional flavors including this one typical pancake made with water, flour and pork fat, topped with pecorino cheese or revisited in the sweet version with sugar or chocolate.
The most famous mask of the Acquapendente carnival is Saltaripe, a character with a very colorful costume, invented by the imagination of local children in 1986.
The parades of floats and masked groups they take place on the last two Sundays of Carnival; on Shrove Tuesday, after the last parade, the Carnivalaccio fire, a puppet that is burned to mark the end of the festive period and the beginning of Lent.
Here you can try them Chatter Carnival, delicious fried pastries dusted with icing sugar.
Find out more about the Acquapendente carnival

Ronciglione Carnival

The Ronciglione Carnival it is one of the most famous Carnivals in the entire region, with the two traditional figures of Hussars and Red Noses: many visitors come from all over Italy to spend carefree hours in Ronciglione.
It boasts an ancient tradition: And attested for at least 130 years and derives directly from the tradition of the Roman Renaissance carnival.
On carnival days, colorful parades take place through the streets of the town allegorical floats, princely dresses, majorettes, groups in themed costumes and the town band. Plus, they get organized masquerade evenings and is carried forward tradition of the Red Noses. In fact, on Carnival Monday, the unusual mask of the Red Noses is worn by many citizens of Ronciglione to give life to the Pitalata ritual: dressed in a white shirt and night hat, the Nasi spread out across the square, sing a hymn to wine, chase the spectators brandishing forks in the air, climb ladders onto the balconies and enter the houses to offer the macaroni they keep warm in the chamber pot, the chamberpot.
Discover all the events of the Ronciglione carnival

Carnival of Civita Castellana

The Carnival of Civita Castellana opens every year with the Puccio parade, papier-mâché puppet symbol of the carnival, accompanied in the square by folklore band “La Rustica” from Civita Castellana.
This is followed, on the following Sundays and until Shrove Tuesday, by the classic parades of allegorical floats with the whole town in costume amidst typical songs and dances.
Taste them Carnival zeppole, they are soft and fragrant pancakes prepared with potatoes, flour, butter, eggs and sugar. They absolutely cannot be missed during the funniest time of the year!
Find out more about the Civita Castellana carnival

Bassano Romano Carnival

The Bassano Romano Carnival, which also takes place in repeats in August as a summer carnival, he proposes parades of floats and masked groups accompanied by two musical bands through the streets of the town, in afternoons and evenings of dancing involving hundreds of people.
Try i carnival ravioli, desserts composed of a treasure chest of dough that envelops fresh sheep's ricotta and, sometimes, also Alchermes.

Sutri Carnival

The Sutri Carnival has very ancient origins: the King Carnival enters the village dear to the Etruscans Shrove Thursday, to be later burned on the evening of Shrove Tuesday at the end of the so-called running parade, which crosses the streets of the town and recalls ancient propitiatory rites.
Also called broad beans, Carnival chestnuts they are a very popular dessert especially in the central regions of Italy. Carnival chestnuts are soft fried or baked balls, whose name derives from their chestnut-like shape. They are loved by both adults and children and can be prepared with the addition of ricotta, filled with custard or classic. The dough can then be flavored differently each time: not only lemon zest, but also orange or cinnamon powder.
Find out more about the Sutri Carnival

Vitorchiano Carnival

Even in Vitorchiano, a short distance from Viterbo, there is no shortage parades of allegorical floats, dances and parties for the little ones and many traditional flavours.
Discover the taste of sweet rice pancakes: they are a classic of the carnival period.
Find out more about the Vitorchiano carnival

Rent one of our cars short term to enjoy the carnival period in the many towns of Tuscia who follow this fun tradition. Discover the customs of each location and choose your favorite mask!
