Privacy Policy

Our Company, to carry out its business, needs to process some of your personal data. Therefore, pursuant to art. 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 – “Regulation relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free movement of such data” (hereinafter, the “Regulation”), as well as the Italian legislation in force on the matter, We provide below the information relating to the processing of your personal data.

  1. Purpose of the processing
    Your personal data belonging to the category of common data will be processed by us:
    a) for pre-contractual and contractual needs, for the provision of the services provided for by the contracts;
    b) for administrative-accounting, operational and management needs relating to our. activities and control of the progress of relationships with customers;
    c) for legal obligations related to civil, fiscal or other provisions, regulations or community standards;
    d) to send commercial and promotional information, to subscribe to the newsletter; for customer management;
    e) to carry out market surveys and analyses, also for the purpose of carrying out internal statistics, as well as to communicate its customers to potential customers and/or suppliers; for questionnaires to evaluate customer satisfaction;
    f) for inclusion on company sites and social networks, in its brochures and in its information/advertising material for information/advertising purposes. 2. Nature of the provision and legal basis The provision of data for the purposes lett. d), e), f) is not mandatory therefore any refusal has no consequence other than the impossibility of implementing initiatives aimed at improving our service to you, as well as keeping your information updated on the developments of the our offer, while failure to provide data for all other purposes makes it impossible to establish the contractual relationship or its continuation. With reference to the processing referred to:) 1. in the previous paragraph 1 point a); b) the related legal basis lies in the need to comply with contractual obligations and the provision of the requested services;
  2. in the previous paragraph 1 point c) the relevant legal basis lies in the fulfillment of regulatory obligations; 3. in the previous paragraph 1 points d), the relevant legal basis lies in consent, with the exception of commercial communications relating to products and/or services similar to those already purchased and/or subscribed to by the customer for which the processing is based on a legitimate interest of the Data Controller; 4. in the previous paragraph e) the relevant legal basis lies in consent, with the exception of an analysis activity of elementary information relating to your consumption preferences; 5. in the previous paragraph f) the relevant legal basis lies in consent.
  3. Data processing methods
    The processing of Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes takes place using both automated (electronic support) and non-automated (paper support) methods, in compliance with the confidentiality and security rules established by law, the Regulation, the resulting regulations and specific internal provisions. .
  4. Categories of recipients
    The personal data will be processed by third party service providers appointed as Managers by the Data Controller and by employees or collaborators of our company. company, as subjects authorized to process personal data and instructed to do so by the data controller, within the scope of their respective work functions.
    You may obtain a complete list of the data controllers appointed by the Data Controller by contacting the Data Controller directly, as indicated in paragraph 5 below. In particular, to: companies, collaborators and external professionals for specific technical-commercial, legal and administrative-accounting services in execution of the pre-contractual measures and/or contractual obligations; to public offices and bodies for legal obligations, to technical/IT consultants; to credit institutions and financial intermediaries where they are engaged in the execution of your orders or in related processing referred to above and for the management of collections and payments, to the judiciary, to the Police Forces and to other public authorities.
  5. Data Controller
    The Data Controller is VALMEG SRL, with registered office in Rome in Via Barnaba Oriani n.153. You may contact the Data Controller at any time, directing your communication to the attention of the Data Protection Data Controller at one of the following addresses: by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by writing by post to the office above reported.
    6. Transfer of personal data abroad and dissemination of the same data
    Your personal data may be transferred abroad, mainly to European countries, however they may also be transferred to non-EU countries, always in compliance with the applicable legislation and adopting measures to guarantee the necessary levels of security. In particular, if the transfer takes place to non-European countries and in the absence of adequacy decisions from the European Commission, the transfers will take place on the basis of the "Standard Contractual Clauses" issued by the Commission itself, to guarantee correct treatment. In any case, you can always contact the Data Controller at the contact details indicated in paragraph 5 above, in order to have exact information regarding the transfer of your Data and the specific place of their collection. Your personal data will under no circumstances be disclosed. 7. Your rights (articles 15,16, 17, 18, 20, 21 of the Regulation) Pursuant to articles. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 of the Regulation, you have the right to access the personal data concerning you, obtain information about the data processed, the purposes and methods of the processing; obtain the rectification and updating of the data, to request, where possible, the limitation of the processing carried out on your data (including, where possible, the right to be forgotten and to cancellation); object to data processing for legitimate purposes and exercise your right to data portability; lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority. To exercise your rights, please address the relevant request to the company indicated above, for the attention of the Data Controller, at the following address: VALMEG SRL, with registered office in Rome in Via Barnaba Oriani n.153, or via email to the following address: [email protected]
  6. Personal Data retention period
    The processed data will be stored in our protected archives for as long as necessary based on the Services requested. Once the requested activity has been completed, the data may be deleted or stored for the sole purpose of documenting the activity carried out (if necessary) or for historical and/or statistical purposes (in this case in anonymous form), except for tax data which will be kept for a period corresponding to legal obligations. The contact data for marketing purposes will be used until the relevant Consent given is revoked. Any data relating to activities for the protection of one's rights (including in court) will be retained for the period of res judicata of the relevant sentence or final level of judgment and, where necessary, for the subsequent enforcement phase.
    There, 05.25.2018 Valmeg srl

VAT number 11799641003
[email protected] – tel. 0766879624

Privacy Policy